Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Summer and Fall Tailgate Tips!!!

If you have ever tried to plan a tailgate for a number of people you know that it can be quite the task.  This week we are expecting about 20 people, and that does NOT include folks that just pop-in.  Tailgating is fun, lets face it, good food, lots of booze, friends, football; it doesn't get much batter than that!!  Not to mention, its completely socially expectable for grown men and woman to paint their faces ridiculous colors, wear Jerseys of with other peoples name on the back, scream "YOU SUCK" at the top of their lungs - AND be cheered on by their fellow fans!!   Going to tailgates is a blast.  It does not have to be a football game (though typically in my family we host a minimum of 6 a year), it can be a concert, a high school Thanksgiving day game, whatever the event,they are fun.... Hosting a tailgate:  SUCKS.

Not many "guests" realize just how much money, time, thought and planning, goes into a well run tailgate.  My mother typically calls me on Monday and says "SO... the tailgate Saturday, what are we doing"... the task is DAUNTING!!! You can not serve hamburgers and hot dogs every week!! You cant serve green salads, they are hard to eat, you have to think about forks and knives and whether or not your drunk friend who is likely to throw up on the guys car parked next you, can actually work utensils!

This is a labor day tailgate, so if you are following these rules, keep in mind that they will change come that freezing cold, Thursday night game in November...(my fans know that is the tailgate of all tailgates, complete with pulled pork and buffalo chicken dip... see earlier post's).

First and Foremost, Lets take care of the BOOZE!

Beer, wine, hard liquor, champagne.... it is all fair game and all expected.
- One thing that we do at the beginning of the season is put together a kit.... really all that is, is an box that holds a few essentials.  They include:
Cork Screw
Bottle Opener
Keg Cups (this is a reserve, you should always have them in your trunk as well)
Stir'ers.... (pick them up at Dunkins)
Sugar packets
a Bottle of Vodka
a Bottle of Spiced Rum
a Bottle of Baileys
a Bottle of White
a Bottle of red.
3 coolers - one with light cheap stuff, and one with a mix of bud heavies and a few micro brews, ONE keep half full with water, and soda, (and if you know ahead a time that Uncle Tim might be in attendance, a few O'dooles), be sure to keep this last cooler stocked with ICE!!!! - everyone shows with beer... no one brings ice!

- This way you ensure a few things.... you would be surprised at the amount of people who show up not only empty handed, BUT with requests.
"OH do you have red actually",  "Oh... ya... I don't like light beer, do you have something else?", "Oh... Tostitos... do you have a microwave so that we can melt some cheese?"

Be prepared with Beverages.  If people are not worried about what they are drinking then they can focus on your food!!

SO food rules... here we go!  One of the biggest rules of a successful tailgate is having a great caterer who is good, yet cheap.  If you try to do it all on your own, you will go crazy, its just to much work.  If you are local to Massachusetts, I must plug TJ's in Ashland.  John is the owner and cook, tell him Ally Cronan sent you ;).  If you have a good caterer that you can fall back on, you never have to get to stressed out!!

1) Card table, Napkins, Paper towels, Serving Baskets with Linen Napkins to serve things like Chips.  Plastic bowls to put dips in, and of course paper plates and plastic forks and knives.  (again, this is for early fall tailgates, the winter tailgates are a bit different, and I will post about them in late October)

2) Pan style sandwich food.... DO NOT DO COLD CUTS, people do not eat them.

My suggestions are a Pan of meatballs (meat ball subs, pick up cheese on your way to the game), Sausage and Peppers, Pulled Pork, Pulled Chicken, Roasted Chicken with Red Peppers, Really anything people can pick up a roll and throw in.  I typically do this dish myself.  Because its a big hit, you like to own those bragging rights!

3) Rolls - you MUST have good rolls... what does that mean you ask - something people want to grab.  Your best bet is Bakery Rolls - again if you are a Massachusetts local, we MUST plug The Framingham Baking Company... their rolls are second to none!  (while you are there you should also pick up a pan of pizza, its 22 bucks and everyone loves it!

4) Chicken Wings.... I do not care what kind, buffalo, honey bar-b-q, Teriyaki, WHAT EVER, the fact is people LOVE chicken wings, they will eat them even after they have gorged on plenty of other foods.  We typically buy 2 types, and rarely have left overs.  This is where your local caterer comes in.  If you have already made a main dish, do you really want to have to worry about doing all the wings?? No.

5) Dip and chips - crowd favorite...I will post a few recipes over the next few days.  Chips and dip keep people busy.

6) Pasta Salad - Just one.  Do not over do it.  Also, STAY AWAY FROM MAYO... people do not like Mayonnaise.... I will be sure to post plenty of suggestions for pasta salads that are majority friendly!

7)Last but not least... FLARE!!  Pieces of Flare are important... we are Boston College fans, so we like maroon and gold Mardis Gars beads, a Maroon Table Cloth, a big tailgate tent with Baldwin's face on it (A big Thank you to the Lennon family).  Get into it!!

- Last but not least ENJOY yourself... if you follow my rules of preparation, I promise you will be able to have a good time and relax!

Go Eagles!!  

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