Monday, August 31, 2009

The Best Pulled Pork.... Ever.

For my first recipe, I am using a fan favorite. This is my recipe for Pulled Pork, and I promise, it is the best of its kind!!

In order to make this you will need:

This Recipe will take you all day. Typically the entire process takes 8-10 hours, so make sure you get up early!!!!

From the kitchen:
Crock Pot
Cookie Sheet
Utencils to pull apart the meat
Good Knives
A large, clean sink

4 onions
5 cloves of garlic
Salt, Pepper, Hot Sauce
A pork Shoulder... and it MUST be a shoulder, typically anywhere from 4-8 pounds will work
1-2 bottles BBQ sauce of your choice... I typically use the Jack Daniels either spicy, or honey BBQ, depending on who I am feeding
Sliced American Cheese

.First off - you have to use a pork shoulder....anything else dries out in the process.
Cleaning this thing takes about 20 minutes bec
ause you have to cut off as much fat as possible (including the incredibly disgusting white slab of fat that encases the shoulder)
My advice - clean your sink, and just go to town on it in there...rinse it and keep it in the sink. ***bakers note**** you need to make sure you crock pot is big enough to hold the entire shoulder before hand, if you dont, its a real buzz kill, and after all that work, if your like me, you will drive yourself to taget and buy a new crockpot rather than a smaller shoulder.
OK now that is done
Take two onions and a few cloves of garlic (again.. if your me, its more than a "few")
chop up your onions like you would for a sausage with pepers and onions...the long way.
Pour 3 cups of water into the crock pot on high and 1.5 onions (chopped)
Place the shoulder in
Pour 3 cups of water over the shoulder and use the remaining onion to cover the shoulder.
Now you can do what you want with the garlic, I crush half and sliver the rest, either way, just get in there.
Cover - cook on high - 4 hours.
After four hours check it, if the inside is bleeding.. its not ready, if its a little pink - its going to cook another 4 hours anyway so what the hell
Heres the hard part. This thing is HOT, so its hard to handle, and really helps if there is two people
Take out a cookie sheet and remove the shoulder from the cooker and place on the cookie sheet.
Disregard anything left in the pot, and clean it throughly.
Now you have a clean crock pot.
you now take what you have, either a couple of forks (I use the rather large grilling fork), a knife, whatever you choose
you "pull the pork"off the bone. This is way tougher than you think because its not falling apart yet, so if it comes off in chunks, thats ok, you just want to get rid of all the fat and anything else you wouldn't want to eat!!
This step takes about 20 minutes. Once you have all the edible meat shredded, and its back in the pot, you want to CHOP 2 onions. Small as possible, trick here, you dont want people to be able to see the onions when they eat it :)
stir the onions in and add salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste.
Now the fun part. I use Jack Daniels Honey Bar-B-Q. on occasion, if I know my audience, and they like spicy stuff, I will use the Jack Daniels Spicy Bar-B-Q sauce ( Typically I use two bottles, but if you dont use a big shoulder you may not use all of it. Start by mixing in one... if it looks like it needs the other one, go for it.
Cover and cook on high for another 3-5 hours.
While its cooking you should open it up once an hour and take a fork and knife to continue pulling it apart. That way people do not get pork chunks, they get pulled pork. If it looks like it is to saucy (like if it looks like its to clumped together), you can add some water, but not to much, just enough to break it up. You can also add tabasco if you want. DO NOT OVER DO THE TABASCO. If you use to much tabasco you will kill the taste.
Thats it. I always use American cheese to serve with it.

Good Luck!!

1 comment:

  1. I can speak from experience that this one is deeeeeeeeelicious! I left the game at halftime I had eaten so much.
