Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lets try this again

I am not sharing a recipe tonight, instead, I am going to offer you a bit of an outline to my recipe writing styles :)

Measuring is for dieters and bakers.. I am neither. My recipes will include words like; dash, dollup, handfuls, "whatever looks like it needs"....I am apologizing for this upfront, but it is the way that I cook, so if you have questions please feel free to contact me via-email and I can probably help you out! The one measuring

If you are following my recipes you will need a fully functioning kitchen. That means a Knife Set, Backing Dishes, Frying Pans, a good, dependable oven, a well stocked spice rack, a well stocked pantry (this means when you are in the super market and soups, beans, stocks, rice, canned tomatoes, diced tomatoes, cream of celery soup, cream of mushroom, etc. are on sale... you should buy them, and keep them in your pantry... you will need them, and if you stock up when they are cheap, you save yourself a good amount of cash in the long run.

One more thing that you should note is that 90% of my recipes are geared toward dinner, and can typically feed a family of 5. If your like myself and my boyfriend, and its just the two of you, most of my recipes will are good for lunch and can be packed up for the next day. This is probably the best way to save yourself some extra cash. Most of my recipes will not cost more than 20 dollars.... if your feeding 2 people, 2 meals, we are talking 5 bucks a head, and that my friends is cheaper than any value meal!

Please feel free to ask questions, add comments and suggestions, and feel free to let me know how things go over with your family and friends!

I'm looking forward to moving forward with this, thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. This blog looks amazing! I can't wait to keep reading! Thanks for sharing your family recipes. Go Cole Haan!
